
小女孩最近在她的 blog 上寫了一段,
以 My wonderful 7 years with the best book ever 為題,
長大了, 要往前走了, 但終究對昔日的路懷抱感恩之心,
這是難得的心腸, 而恐怕, 不是來自我的遺傳.
這張照片攝於埃及洪加達, 前面是紅海,
她對著海, 寫作. 好像是寫詩, 或是小說.
這是她在 blog 內說的:
I've been wondering these days that whether I should have a little break from my most favorite book of all, Harry Potter. Well, its because... I felt that I didn't talk much, read, watch or seem enthusiastic about Harry Potter these days, ever since the Narnia movie, and another new series of books. So, I was thinking about taking a break, wait for the old Harry Potter-ness to come back.....
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